Help > FAQS

How can I change my password?

You can change your password on your personal account. Go to my account and then select the settings menu on the left bar. Click on change password and enter your old and your new passwords on the correspondent fields. Re-type the new password and click on save.

How do I change my profile image/avatar?

Customize your avatar to set yourself apart from other members. You can change your avatar when editing your profile. Go to My Account and then click on edit my profile just under your username on the left bar. Once you reach your profile click on the browse button and choose an image on your computer. Save the changes so that your image can be uploaded.

How can I invite friends to join Autoviva?

Go to My Account. On the left bar click on the Social category and then click on the option contacts. On this menu you will have two different ways to send invitations:

- From email: In this option you just have to write your email address and your password so that we can access and import your contacts list. You will then be able to select to which contacts you’re willing to send the invitation. Please notice: We never store any passwords  and this process only applies to the email services shown on the right side of the email box.

- From file: In case you use another email service you can still invite your friends from a file with your contacts list. You can gain access to this type of file by exporting it to your computer from your mail service. To import your contacts to Autoviva select the option add contacts from file and click on the “Browse” button to find the right file. Before clicking on the “Send” button, to import the contacts, please check if you selected the file type. After the process is complete you will be able to choose the friends you want to whom you want to send invitations.

What is My Homepage?

My Homepage is where you will be able to check the latest updates on your profile, your buddies’ profiles and highlights on Autoviva. My Homepage will help you track the activity of your buddies and also make interaction with them easier.

How can I get to my profile?

To get to your profile you just need to roll your mouse over your profile image on the upper right corner. A menu will pop up and there you will have to choose the option my profile.

How does Car Comparison work?

The Car Comparison tool helps you compare the characteristics of up to six different cars. When you first arrive at Car Comparison you will have a special menu to add the first car. Select the model, series and version and then click the add button to conclude the action.

Adding more cars: To add another car to the tool click on the ‘plus’ button next to the picture of your first added car. Select the car you want to compare and then click the add button. You can add and compare a maximum of six cars.

Highlighting top specs: To help you, Car Comparison has a tool that highlights the top specs. This means that it compares your selected cars and highlights for each specification item the best amongst them, for example which car has the best top speed, maximum power or the lowest consumption. To activate this tool just check the box “highlight top specs”.

What are Vivas?

Vivas are Autoviva’s funny-money! It can be earned by interacting and using the site the site (browsing, uploading photos, publishing, etc) and spent on new dream garage cars, or items on the Vivashop, like special awards, exclusive treats, etc.

How can I find a model/series/version in the encyclopedia?

The easiest way to find what you are looking for is to use the search engine located on the top bar of Autoviva. Write the name of the make/model/series/version you are looking for, as soon as you start typing results will begin to appear below. Chose one or press ‘Enter’ to see the results.

How do I share content?

You are able to share content by using the “Publish” tool that you can find in “My Homepage”, “My Profile and “My Cars”. The tool is already visible just above the feed so you just have to write, add photos, videos or links and click the “publish” button.

How do I create my car’s Profile?

Besides having a personal profile, on Autoviva you can also have a profile of your car(s). To create them go to my account and on the left bar on the garage menu select the option add car. There are two modes of adding a new car: basic and advanced.

- In the basic mode you just need to type on the white box the name of the model you wish to add. After you found it just add a photo to your car profile and click on the add car button.

- In the advanced mode besides picking the model you can also select a specific version. To do so start by selecting the make, then the model and finally the version that you wish to create as your car profile. To complete the procedure add a photo of your car and then click the add car button.

How can I add a new topic to the Forum? In Autoviva we want users to share their opinions, doubts, suggestions on the Forum. If you want to start a new topic just head to the Forum page and select the Board where you think your topic should be included. Click on the selected Board and then click on the new topic button. Fill the Subject ... en savoir plus >